Improving the tone of AI-generated text with few-shot prompting

Ben Davies-Romano
8 min readApr 3, 2024

Using human-crafted examples to generate higher-quality content with ChatGPT.

This article was co-authored with Annelie Tinworth, Lead UX Content Designer at Volvo Cars, localisation legend, and word nerd extraordinaire.

An illustration of a robot holding a small plastic shot glass containing an orange liquid.
This lil’ bot likes a different kind of shot…


Sorry for shouting, but… did you feel put on the spot? Did you feel a little affronted? Did you possibly draw a complete blank, and forget not just every educational app, but literally every app you have ever used?

Aggressive all-caps aside, how would it have been different if I started instead like this:

“My favourite educational app is the language learning app Babbel. What’s yours?”

Maybe it’s slightly easier, because I’m giving you an example and a category, and you might instantly think about Duolingo, Busuu, or Rosetta Stone. Let’s try another:

What is your favourite educational app? Some examples of educational apps include Duolingo, Skillshare, Khan Academy, and Coursera.

It’s even easier, right? Not that this is a hard question to answer in the first place, but you get my point: examples generally make it easier and more efficient to respond.



Ben Davies-Romano

UX and Product evangelist | Leading content design at Klarna | Founder of Tech Outcasts | ☕️ and 🏳️‍🌈